
  1. Turn off coffee makers when not in use.
  2. Use refrigeratorā€™s anti-sweat feature only if necessary.
  3. Switch your refrigeratorā€™s power-saver to ā€œON,ā€ if available.
  4. Clean refrigerator coils annually.
  5. If not frost-free, regularly defrost refrigerator or freezer to avoid ice buildup.
  6. Set the refrigerator temperature to 34Ā° – 37Ā°F and freezer temperature to 0Ā° – 5Ā°F.
  7. Unplug unused refrigerators or freezers. Recycle them if you do not need them.
  8. Micro that please. Use the microwave instead of the oven ā€” it can use as much as 80% less energy.
  9. Contain the heat. Get three times the efficiency by covering your pots when cooking.
  10. If you are heating water on the stove, use hot tap water instead of cold.
  11. Remember to use the kitchen exhaust fan when cooking.
    Turn it off after cooking and cover to prevent air leaks.
  12. Use a slow-cooker instead of simmering foods on the stove.
  13. If rinsing dirty dishes before putting them into the dishwasher, do so with cold water.
  14. Use cold water for garbage disposal.
  15. Only run dishwasher when fully loaded.

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